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The Board approved the following agenda items:
Recommendation of employment of new personnel
and reassignments as listed on Attachment A and certified/non-certified adjunct teachers on
Attachment B.
Revision(s) to District Policy BT – Parent’s Bill of
Agreement with University of Oklahoma, Health
Science Center “OUHSC” and Autism Model and Outreach for transition services for
children who are at risk and/or have an autism diagnosis for the 2024 – 2025 school year.
Agreement with Franklin Covey Client Sales for
membership for The Leader In Me Program as well as two Custom Coaching Day
Professional Development sessions for teachers.
For a full list of Board meeting items and attachments, please view the full agenda on our website.
STEVE BURGER mentioned the 16th annual PC Cancer Classic as a true staple in the community. He said whether you run or walk, you can support this coming Saturday, as we all know someone impacted by cancer. He acknowledged that PCH and PCN will be hosting the first round of football state playoffs and wished them well. In reference to the recent election results, he stressed that it is time for everyone to pull together no matter who you voted for. He promoted the upcoming holiday celebrations in school and encouraged the positive participation of students.
JAY SHERRILL thanked the public participants and echoed their sentiments regarding the importance of School Psychologists during National School Psychologists Week. He asked for a Board presentation regarding what is discussed through the Superintendent’s Student Advisory meetings.
JUDY MULLEN HOPPER acknowledged our School Psychologist and how tough their job is, thanking them and pushing for more recognition. She pointed out the Native American Heritage Month celebrations throughout the District as excited to see the schools participating. She recognized the Transportation Department’s silent auction on Thursday, 8-5pm, in support of the PC Foundation CareShare.
CHARITY AVERY mentioned the School Psychologists and her personal interactions with our own in Putnam City. She thanked the schools for their recognition of Native American Heritage Month. In support of Veterans Day, she thanked all Veterans for their service.
GAIL LOPRESTO is proud that Putnam City Schools are representing Native American Heritage Month. She recently attended the opening night of the PC Silver Strings and pointed out how big the group is and how talented they are. She attended the Veterans Day assembly at Mayfield Middle School and acknowledged the PC Alum who spoke, who now serves as a State Representative in Norman. She said it was wonderful to have a notable and talented speaker for the students. She spoke about her Board seat opening, described the boundaries, and encouraged anyone who lives in her boundaries who is interested to sign up to run.
Meeting Date: Monday, November 11, 2024, 5pm
Location: PC Administration Building
In Attendance: Board Members: President Gail LoPresto, Vice President Steve Burger, Jay Sherrill, Judy Mullen Hopper, and Charity Avery; Superintendent Dr. Fred Rhodes, Deputy Board Clerk Chantil Baldwin
Next meeting: Monday, November 18, 2024, 5pm
At each Board Meeting, we will incorporate high school student leaders to open the meeting with the Pledge of Allegiance and Moment of Silence. This tradition is guided by our District's mission statement of empowering students to achieve personal success and enrich the community.
Tonight's student leader was Ashley Linares. She is a senior at Putnam City West High School and the Command Sergeant Major of the JROTC Patriot Battalion. She recently joined the Oklahoma Army National Guard. After graduation, she plans to continue to serve and go to OU for business administration.
I want to start out tonight with some wonderful news and a show of gratitude. Since our Board approved the new Guest Teacher Program at the last meeting, we have already exceeded our goal of expanding the pool of active Guest Teachers. We have had 28 new Guest Teacher applicants! Additionally, there has been an overwhelmingly positive response from our current Guest Teachers and community, and we are so thankful for this.
Recently, the Superintendent’s Cabinet and I had the pleasure of meeting with several students at PC High School for the Superintendent’s Student Advisory. We were able to listen and learn directly from our students. Their insights on school, the challenges they face, and their ideas for improvement are truly invaluable. Over the next couple of months, we’ll be visiting PC North and PC West to connect with even more students and hear their perspectives as well. This feedback is critical for us to make sure the District continues to serve our students in the best possible way.
This Saturday is the Putnam City Cancer Classic 5K and Fun Run held at Eldon Lyon Park in Bethany. This is a wonderful annual tradition by our athletics department that brings the community together in a healthy and fun way to support cancer research and awareness. Anyone interested can sign up on our website. All the funds raised from the Cancer Classic go to our longtime District partner, OMRF. Over the last two years, we are proud that Putnam City has raised over $106,000 for groundbreaking research and look forward to keeping the impactful fundraising going.
Today is Veterans Day and many of our schools held meaningful and patriotic assemblies honoring the brave individuals who have served our country. These assemblies offer a chance for students to learn about the importance of service, patriotism, and sacrifice. I am always moved by the respect and gratitude our students show on this day honoring our Veterans.
And finally, I’m ending tonight by honoring another hero, Putnam City’s first Luminary Award recipient, longtime music teacher at Wiley Post Elementary, and Putnam City’s first and only Oklahoma State Teacher of the Year, Kathlyn Reynolds. Sadly, Kathlyn passed away this last week; however, it is fitting that she decided to go to her eternal home on the beautiful National Election Day. She was the epitome of American patriotism and instilled through her life and definitely through song, the love of our incredible country to numerous generations. Kathlyn Reynolds’ impact on Putnam City, our community, and our state will be felt forever.
-Dr. Fred Rhodes
November 14 - Native American Family Night, 6-8pm PCW Cafeteria (Flyer posted below)
November 16 - PC Cancer Classic 5K and Fun Run, 9:00am Eldon Lyon Park (Registration information below)
November 25-29 Thanksgiving Break- No School, District Offices Closed
It's all strategy, patience, and sportsmanship at the annual Putnam City Schools middle school chess tournament!
Voting is an important duty, especially when it's about your favorite food. Students at Coronado Heights Elementary made their own voter ID cards and then took to the polls to do their civic duty. Yes, they even got the coveted sticker afterward!
For Native American Heritage Month, many schools across the District are recognizing the vibrant history and culture in fun, meaningful, and creative ways. Ralph Downs Elementary had a great demonstration from Putnam City Native American Student Services and Overholser Elementary with performances by the Riverside Indian School.
There were so many creative book characters roaming our halls in the District recently! We don't know who had more fun dressing up, the students or the staff.
Students at Wiley Post Elementary built their own pumpkin patch out of paper, working on fine motor skills, creativity, customer service, and learning the life cycle of the pumpkin. If you ask nicely, they might take you around on the hay ride.
An unforgettable night at Putnam City High School as the Pirates retired the jersey of NFL Hall of Famer and alumnus, Steve Largent! Honoring his legendary contributions to Putnam City High, the NFL, and Oklahoma, celebrated the legacy of a true Pirate and his inspiring career. As they say, Once a Pirate, Always a Pirate!
Putnam City West Senior, Ashley Linares, is sworn in and ready to serve! This top notch recruit has a sharp focus on becoming a combat medic. We’re so proud of you and can’t wait to see you Go Boldly as you represent Putnam City Schools!
Mrs. Liz Taylor, Art Teacher at Northridge Elementary, included her students in her recent wedding in a very unique way! While studying the famous artist, Jackson Pollock, she got her students to pick their favorite color and "action paint" her dress that she then wore down the aisle!
PCN Junior, Shakureyeon Givens Day, was recently elected President of the Oklahoma Teen Arts Council. Way to Go Boldly!
Mason Currin-Moore, Senior at Putnam City North, was selected to be a member of the OERB Student Board of Directors. The student board is comprised of 30 high school juniors and seniors from across Oklahoma looking to lead, connect, and give back. This honor includes a $2,000 scholarship to the university or trade school of their choice. Mason will attend Prairie View A&M University and double major in Architecture and Construction Science.
Congratulations to these hard-working PC music teachers for receiving grants from the OKC Ladies Music Club! We are beyond thankful for the community support of our teachers to continue helping our students thrive in all areas.
Congratulations to PCN Panther senior, Adriana Do, for being selected as a State Officer for HOSA - Future Health Professionals. This global student-led organization through Oklahoma CareerTech is focused on promoting career opportunities in the health industry. Adriana is the first HOSA State Officer from PCN!
In support of Putnam City Schools' longstanding partnership with the Oklahoma Medical Research Foundation (OMRF), the PC Cancer Classic is a fun opportunity for students, families, staff members, and the community to come together to stomp out cancer.
All proceeds benefit cancer research at OMRF.
For more information, click here
The 2025 Innovation Bond Special Bond Election is set for February 11, 2025.
Please mark your calendars to vote and boldly invest in our future of PC Schools the week of Valentine's Day!
To learn more about the exciting projects included in the Bond for each school and districtwide, visit our 2025 Bond website at
Check out our new online District Store for fun graphic tees, jackets, hats, backpacks, and polos!
Be PC Proud! Have a story of an amazing achievement by a PC student teachers, group or team?
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