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With this week being Teacher Appreciation Week, I would like to first take a moment to express gratitude for the exceptional dedication and hard work of our Putnam City Educators. Our teachers are the true heart and soul of our educational community, and their tireless efforts do not go unnoticed. And, by the way, when we say “teachers” we include not only the classroom teacher, but everyone in a school who works directly with our students. We know that it “takes a village.” I encourage students and families to take an opportunity this week to do something special to acknowledge the incredible work of our teachers.
Next, I am delighted to share some outstanding news about three notable scholarship recipients in the District. Putnam City North senior, Tim Bui, has been awarded the Gates Scholarship, which is a highly competitive full-ride plus expenses scholarship. He plans on attending Yale University in the fall. Putnam City West senior, Johnny Rolling, has been awarded the Department of Defense SMART Scholarship, which is also a full-ride scholarship plus expenses and much more. Johnny will be attending Missouri Science and Technology and will be employed by the DoD after his college graduation. Also, Putnam City North Senior, Victoria Nwankwo, was surprised today as the Love’s Student of the Year and will receive a substantial scholarship. Congratulations to these students and all of our Seniors on their remarkable achievements!
I also want to extend a heartfelt congratulations to Ashley Hoggatt, Principal of D.D. Kirkland Elementary, for being honored as the Oklahoma Association of Elementary School Principals’ 2025 Oklahoma Elementary Principal of the Year and the National Association of Elementary School Principals’ National Distinguished Principal of the Year. Ashley’s exceptional leadership, infectious personality, and unwavering dedication to our students, families, and staff are truly inspiring and we are incredibly grateful to have her in Putnam City Schools. As Superintendent, I am especially proud to add that Ashley is the 6th Putnam City Principal to receive this honor in District history. This last week, she was honored at the Capitol, appearing before the State Senate while a proclamation of her many accomplishments was read. Our thanks to Kirkland parent and State Senator, Carri Hicks, for making this happen.
Starting tomorrow, we begin celebrating the accomplishments of our seniors, beginning with PC High’s graduation tomorrow evening, followed by PC North and PC West’s the next weekend. Graduation for seniors, and the end of another school year for everyone else, is always met with mixed emotions. We are thrilled to have reached another milestone in our educational career. There is great pride in knowing that “we made it!” But for seniors, we are leaving friends that will be lifelong friends and for everyone else, we are leaving our friends for the summer, and won’t see many of them until next August. To fill that gap, as families make plans for the summer, I want to encourage you to pursue our Summer Recharge program. It is a way to keep up academically, but also a way to stay connected with friends. Occurring through June, this program provides valuable opportunities for learning, enrichment, socialization, and fun in classes that are taught by our Putnam City Educators. For more information, visit
And finally, tonight I want to report that the new School Start-Stop Times for next school year will be communicated in full tomorrow. We have been studying the possibility of this change for over a year and have been working hard to ensure we include all stakeholders’ input; so that the best possible outcome for this change could happen. We are now close to communicating what we are informally referring to as “Start-Stop Times 3.0.” We know there is always anxiety with change, but based on all the feedback we have received, we believe this is the best plan. Thank you to the committee and everyone who contributed your thoughts and ideas.
Since this is the last Board Meeting before Summer Break begins, I want to wish our students, educators, and families a safe and enjoyable summer break. I hope this summer is a time of rest, rejuvenation, and cherished memories.
-Dr. Fred Rhodes, Superintendent
-Chief Human Capital Officer, Nancy Ingle, recognized retiring personnel
- Eide Bailly Independent audit presentation
Board Members approved the following items:
-employment of new personnel and reassignments (see attachment A and B on the full agenda link below)
-renewal of employment for support personnel (attachment C below on the full agenda link below)
-Memorandum of Understanding with K20 Center for Gear Up grant to improve graduation rates and college enrollment for students
-Memorandum of Understanding with Grand Canyon University for placement of education students for student teaching, counseling, and/or admin internships
-Agreement with University of Science & Arts of Oklahoma for placement of Communications student internship
-Revision of District Policy CC, Purchasing
-an Independent Audit Report by Eide Bailly
-Employment of Assistant Principal for Putnam City West, Angela Farris
For a full list of board meeting items and attachments, please view the full agenda on our website.
CHARITY AVERY wished good luck and congratulations to our graduates, retirees, and to Principal Ashley Hoggatt on all recent accomplishments. She spoke about the need for bus drivers and especially special education bus drivers. She spoke to a lot of appreciation for the teachers and staff and all of their hard work. Lastly, she encouraged families and community members to volunteer in schools in some way. Volunteers go a long way in helping the overall success of schools by filling in the gaps.
JUDY MULLEN HOPPER recognized Ashley Hoggatt and all of the deserving recipients of the awards that are being announced throughout the District this time of year. She expressed her sincerity toward Teacher Appreciation Week. She noted, as a former teacher, how it seems there aren’t enough thank yous out there for teachers; but she acknowledges all of our teachers and their dedication. She also wished Chief Special Services Officer, Scott McCall, well in his next professional venture.
STEVE BURGER congratulated Ashley Hoggatt, especially on her state and national honor. He encouraged everyone to attend the upcoming graduation ceremonies. He also encouraged teachers and administrators to seek out as many graduates as possible to wish them well and congratulate them, from all facets of the student body. He also spoke to the time of year and how tired teachers are and thanked them for their hard work, especially during Teacher Appreciation Week.
GAIL LOPRESTO thanked everyone in the audience for being here. She expressed how the PC Administration is great and appreciated. She also congratulated Ashley Hoggatt on her award.
May 10 - PCH Graduation, 7:30pm
May 15 - Last day to register for Summer Recharge (see information below)
May 18 - PCN Graduation, 10am
May 18 - PCW Graduation, 7pm
May 17 - Last Day of School
Looking for something fun for your children during the summer? Look no further! Summer Recharge is a great program that provides enrichment, fun, and learning with our amazing Putnam City teachers during the month of June.
🛑May 15 is the last day to register!🛑
Contact your student's school counselor for more details on all of the benefits of Summer Recharge.
Register links and more information: 🔗
May 6-10th is officially Teacher Appreciation Week! Our Putnam City Teachers have dedication, passion, and unwavering commitment that shapes the minds and hearts of our students. You are the guiding lights who inspire, challenge, and empower our students to Go Boldly each and every day. Thank you for all that you do. We encourage families to recognize their child's teacher(s) this week in your own creative and heartfelt way!
Each May, National Speech-Language-Hearing Month provides an opportunity to raise awareness about communication disorders and the life-altering treatment Speech-Language Pathologists provide.
In Putnam City, we currently have 36 Speech-Language Pathologists and 2 SLP Assistants. They work with children who exhibit articulation, language, voice, hearing, stuttering, pragmatics, and AAC devices. Communication is a vital part of life, please thank your school SLP for their hard work!
Congratulations to these 2024 PCHS Seniors who have received the National DECA Emerging Leader Award! This award recognizes Senior DECA members for being academically prepared, community-oriented, professionally responsible, and experienced leaders throughout their DECA Careers. Way to go, Pirates!
PCN DECA students operate a store daily called “DECA Delights,” which is a student-body favorite and truly delivers when it comes to just the right mid-day pick-me-ups. These hardworking students, along with their sister-school DECA students from PCW and PCH, recently traveled for a one-of-a-kind trip to Anaheim California for DECA's International Career Development Conference. PCN DECA was recognized for its gold-level certification!
The heart of Native American culture was on full display as spirits were united in rhythm and dance, and as past and present were unified at the Putnam City Native American Student Services Powwow this past weekend.
Students from across the District gathered for the very first Putnam City Elementary Robotics Showcase! Students in PEAK classes have been working all year long on this exciting enrichment opportunity and they finally got to show off their talents in a big way in front of their families and friends. These scholars may have young minds, but they also have big ideas that our world will benefit from one day!
The PC community was able to witness the beautiful brushstrokes, the whimsical rhythms, and the beat-by-beat dancing synchronizations of all the Fine Arts Departments across our District at the 41st Annual Arts Festival! We are so proud of all these talented artists, dancers, singers, actors, and musicians! The fine arts in Putnam City Schools are strong.
PCN Senior, Tim Bui, receives the Gates Scholarship. He plans to attend Yale University in the fall.
Johnny Rolling receives the Department of Defense SMART Scholarship. He will attend Missouri Science and Technology in the fall.
PCN Senior, Victoria Nwankwo, was surprised Thursday morning by guests from Love's Travel Stops and The Black Chronicle Newspaper for being the recipient of the Love's Travel Stops "Student of the Year" award! She received a $10,000 scholarship from Love's, a laptop computer, and a front full-page article in The Black Chronicle. Victoria wrote in her scholarship essay, "If the beat of the drum changes, the dance must also." Victoria is a naturally deep and forward thinker and will use those skills in her next adventure at Emory University. She plans to pursue medical school to become a physician serving in low-income communities.
Samantha Parker placed 4th in the state for Humorous Interpretation (HI). HI is an acting event, and she has competed against the top 20 students from 6A West and East.
Declan McCord receives Academic All-American in Speech and Debate!
The Putnam City Academy SOAR program has had great success this year and it is all evidenced in their wall of Super Stars! The program is on track to have 200 course completions by the end of the school year. As students complete courses, they receive their very own star on the wall. They have had so much success that they had to expand the wall to the other side of the hallway. Great job SOAR students!
Ashley Hoggatt, Principal of D.D. Kirkland Elementary School, received the Oklahoma Association of Elementary School Principals 2024 ELEMENTARY PRINCIPAL OF THE YEAR award and the National Association of Elementary School Principals NATIONAL DISTINGUISHED PRINCIPAL OF THE YEAR award!
Hefner Middle School's Athletic Director/Teacher, Ms. Pence, was recognized as HouseFM's "Employee of the Month!"
Ms. Brown, teacher at Lake Park Elementary was surprised as the Magic 104.1 FM's Teacher of the Month!
Do you have family and friends who are unable to make it to graduation?
All three high schools will live-stream their ceremony! Catch the links for each school at
It is time for pre-enrollment for the upcoming 2024-2025 school year! All families should have received a District email containing important information regarding pre-enrollment, along with a code required to complete pre-enrollment for your student. The email address this information will be delivered from is The required Snapcode within the email will be student-specific and will only be used for your student’s pre-enrollment. If you have more than one student enrolled, each student will have a separate code called a Snapcode.
Please see your email for more information and some frequently asked questions. Contact for questions.
On the District's website and app, a form has been published for any students, families, or community members to nominate any PC employee for a PC Applause! These are short recognitions for our amazing staff members (Anyone! Teachers, support, operations, transportation, and more!) throughout the District that will be published on District social media and our internal staff newsletters.
Are you missing out on important updates from the District? On Monday, 4/1/24, we sent a districtwide email, text, and push notification to all families about severe weather activity cancelations.
If you did not receive a certain communication, here are 4 things to check:
1) Check your email address listed in PowerSchool - make sure it is current and correctly typed.
2) Make sure is not labeled as spam.
3) Check your phone numbers in PowerSchool. Are you not getting text messages? Text START to 98900
4) Download the Putnam City Schools App for iPhone or Android
As a reminder, all official Putnam City School districtwide communication methods include:
phone call & text message
push notification (for those with the app) website updates
all official Putnam City Schools social media accounts
Be PC Proud! Have a story of an amazing achievement by a PC student teachers, group or team?
Meeting Date: Monday, May 9, 2024, 5pm | Location: Administration Building | Next meeting: Monday, May 20, 2024, 5pm | In Attendance: Superintendent Dr. Fred Rhodes, Board Clerk Stephanie Knox, Board Members Charity Avery, Judy Mullen Hopper, Steve Burger, and Gail LoPresto.
Putnam City Schools does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion, identity, national origin, age, marital or veteran status, or disability. Translations are completed by Google Translate.