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The Board approved the following agenda items:
Renewal of Agreement with Oklahoma Christian University for placement of education students for student teaching for the 2024-2025 school year.
Renewal of Agreement with Renaissance Learning for the Renaissance Star Subscription for literacy and numeracy skill measurement for the 2024-2025 school year.
Renewal of Agreement with Committee for Children for Second Step social and emotional curriculum for grades K-8th for the 2024-2025 school year.
Renewal of Agreement with Carina Itzayana Contreras Martinez for English Language Development Tutoring Services at James L Capps Middle School for the 2024-2025 school year.
Renewal of Agreement with Khalilullah Yousfzai for Spanish Language Interpretation Services for Putnam City School District for the 2024-2025 school year.
Renewal of Agreement with Brinlee Zumwalt for English Language Development Tutoring Services at Rollingwood and Apollo Elementary Schools for the 2024-2025 school year.
Renewal of Agreement with Lisa Turner for English Language Development Tutoring Services at Windsor Hills and Tulakes Elementary Schools for the 2024-2025 school year.
Renewal of Agreement with Indra Carrillo for Spanish Language Interpretation Services for Putnam City School District for the 2024-2025 school year.
Renewal of Agreement with Mariam Wardak for English Language Development Tutoring at Wiley Post Elementary School for the 2024-2025 school year.
Renewal of Agreement with Lina Musakhil for English Language Development Tutoring at Putnam City North and Putnam City High Schools for the 2024-2025 school year.
Renewal of Agreement with Mohammad Samim Ahmady for English Language Development Tutoring at D.D. Kirkland Elementary School for the 2024-2025 school year.
Renewal of Agreement with Kelly B’s Consulting, Inc. for professional development training services for Putnam City School District for the 2024-2025 school year.
Motion regarding increase in Food Services for Adult Meal/Snack Prices per USDA recommendations and regulations for the 2024-2025 school year.
Agreement with Flashlight Learning, LLC. for the purchase of Flashlight 360 for English proficiency development for the 2024-2025 school year.
Agreement regarding partnership between Putnam City West High School and Youth Action for Health Leadership for student growth opportunities for the 2024-2025 school year.
Approval of revision(s) to District Policy BN – Internet Access, Internet Safety, Personally Owned Devises, and Use of Electronic Resources.
Approval of revision(s) to District Policy EF – Attendance.
For a full list of Board meeting items and attachments, please view the full agenda on our website.
JUDY MULLEN HOPPER was glad to hear that we are working on attendance awareness again this year. She talked about her own research this year for phone-free schools. She mentioned she hopes to push for phone-free schools in Putnam City. She said, “The benefits outweigh the negatives.”
JAY SHERRILL mentioned that he talked to a parent in the District recently and how it validated for him the importance of effective communication in the District and with the Go Boldly Bulletin. He is excited about the increase in communications Districtwide and how we are able to get more important information out to families. He welcomed back administrators and looked forward to a new school year.
STEVE BURGER highlighted all of the smiling faces and excited energy he saw at New Teacher Academy this morning and hoped that it would carry throughout the year. He wanted to reinforce how the School Board would like to be informed by school administrators about what they need to make things happen. He mentioned how he was excited for this time of year, the new activities that are starting, and the teams that are starting to practice. He said, “The new school year is full speed ahead and it will be a great year in Putnam City!”
Meeting Date: Monday, August 19 2024, 5pm
Location: PC Administration Building
In Attendance: Board Members: Vice President Steve Burger, Judy Mullen Hopper, and Jay Sherrill;
Superintendent Dr. Fred Rhodes, Deputy Board Clerk Chantil Baldwin
Next meeting: Tuesday, September 3, 2024, 5pm
As we complete our first week of the 2024-2025 school year, I am thrilled to share that our first four days have started out strong. Our students and staff have returned with enthusiasm, and it’s clear that we are all eager to make “every beat count” this school year.
Our families may have noticed a recurring theme this year on social media and in the local news: “Every Beat Counts.” While our official District branding and logo remain the same, proudly featuring the torch of knowledge and the motto “Go Boldly,” I want to highlight this exciting new districtwide theme. For the first time in many years, we have introduced a unifying theme that resonates across all our sites and campuses. The phrase “Every Beat Counts” is more than just words – it’s a call to action. It is a challenge to all of us to make a difference in the lives of not only our students, but everyone. Through the vibrant visual elements of music and boombox graphics, combined with empowering messaging, we aim to inspire every member of our community. Whether you are a student, staff member, parent or guardian, this theme encourages you to make every beat count in your unique way this 2024-2025 school year.
This week, we are especially excited to celebrate a major milestone for our District. On Thursday afternoon, we will be hosting a ribbon-cutting ceremony and open house at the new home of the Putnam City Aviation Program, located at the Wiley Post Airport. We will hear from guest speakers from the aviation facility, open the doors to our distinguished guests to tour the facility and talk with our students and teachers. This innovative facility represents our commitment to providing unique and specialized opportunities for our students and we are thrilled to cross the milestone and be pioneers in the Career Tech and Aviation fields.
Looking ahead, we are also excited about the annual Putnam City Athletics Hall of Fame Induction Ceremony on August 26th. This event will honor four notable athletics alumni from each high school, celebrating their lifetime achievements and contributions to our District. Additionally, the 1977 Putnam City Pirates Football State Championship Team will be inducted. It’s a wonderful opportunity to reflect on the rich history of our athletics programs and to inspire our current students to strive for excellence.
September 2 - Labor Day - No School
Capps Middle School had the honor of hosting 200 dedicated school nurses from across Oklahoma on July 24th and 25th! It was an inspiring two days filled with learning, networking, and collaboration. Thank you to everyone who participated and made the event a success!
The Back-to-School Bash hosted at Western Oaks Middle/Elementary School for students at WOMS, WOES, and PCW was a triumph thanks to the amazing community support! Free haircuts, health guidance, and school supplies are just a few of the numerous essential resources that were there to kickstart a fantastic school year! Putnam City West student organizations were in attendance to support their younger peers with cheers and drum beats as well. Now these students can officially say they are ready for the new school year!
Two of our very own PC Maintenance Staff put on their hero capes to rescue some baby ducks that fell into a drain at Tulakes Elementary. Our support staff truly are heroes for our schools (and ducks)!
Our teachers haven't officially returned to school yet, but many of them are already hard at work in their classrooms making sure their rooms are fresh, positive, warm, and welcoming environments for their new students. Check out Ms. Price, one of our Dennis Elementary Teachers, as she talks to KOCO about setting up her new classroom.
All school supply lists are now available on our website under the Families tab.
High Schools do not have general schoolwide supply lists. Please be prepared with paper, pens/pencils, folders, and notebooks. Teachers will provide the specific supplies needed for each course via syllabi.
Be PC Proud! Have a story of an amazing achievement by a PC student teachers, group or team?
Putnam City Schools does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion, identity, national origin, age, marital or veteran status, or disability. Translations are completed by Google Translate.